Nevada Old-Time Fiddlers Association
For the preservation of old-time fiddle music
For the preservation of old-time fiddle music
Scottish fiddler Laura McGhee borrows Bob Black's fiddle #28 and does an impromptu fiddle play-off with John McEuen and Dave Daeger attempting backup chords on the piano. As Laura changes to more difficult keys, John laughs and throws up his hands in defeat!
Welcome to the Nevada Old-Time Fiddlers Association (NOFA) Website. NOFA is dedicated to the preservation of old-time fiddle music here in Southern Nevada. Feel free to explore the pages and discover what NOFA is all about. You'll see some good folks who participate and enjoy being a part of this group. If you are interested in joining NOFA, use the Contact page and we'll send you the info. Thanks for visiting!
NOFA Membership Application (pdf)